A classic bouquet of one dozen red roses, rich in passion and timeless elegance, is a symbol of deep affection and romance. Paired with a bottle of sparkling rose, the gift becomes a sparkling ode to love, creating a perfect ambiance for toasting to cherished moments and the enduring flame of connection. It's a gesture that whispers both tradition and celebration in a single, heartfelt package.
• One Dozen Red Long Stemmed Roses
• Glass Vase (Optional)
• Bottle of Sparkling Rose
• Personalized Message
Due to interstate restrictions on the shipment of wine and beer, this product cannot be shipped to the following states: AR, DE, MS, RI, SD, UT
To ensure maximum freshness our baskets are shipped via major carrier (such as UPS, FedEx, etc.). We offer a range of available shipping times and cost options which vary by product to ensure the most effective delivery service available.
The Gift Basket Store offers flat rate shipping for all of our products, with no additional service fees.
More details can be found at The Gift Basket Store's Delivery and Shipping Options.
The Gift Basket Store offers a variety of shipping options to ensure your gift arrives in a timely manner. The majority of our gift baskets, flowers and plants come with these shipping options available: