

Chocolate Pink Rose Bouquet


Who says you have to choose between chocolate and flowers? With our gorgeous pink themed Chocolate Rose Bouquet you can have the best of both worlds! Assorted flavors of Belgian chocolate rose creations are arranged with delightful sprigs of preserved flowers that are sure to make them smile. A thoughtful way to say celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, and Valentine’s Day with someone close to your heart. Allergen Alert: Products may contain traces of milk, peanuts, tree nuts, coconut, and gluten

Allergen Alert: Products may contain traces of milk, peanuts, tree nuts, coconut, and gluten

Chocolate Gift Includes:
• 12 Signature Chocolate Roses
• Sprig of Preserved Flowers
• Pink Gift Container
• Window Bag
• Personalized Card Message

Delivery Information

To ensure maximum freshness our baskets are shipped via major carrier (such as UPS, FedEx, etc.). We offer a range of available shipping times and cost options which vary by product to ensure the most effective delivery service available. 

The Gift Basket Store offers flat rate shipping for all of our products, with no additional service fees. 

More details can be found at The Gift Basket Store's Delivery and Shipping Options.


Shipping Options

The Gift Basket Store offers a variety of shipping options to ensure your gift arrives in a timely manner. The majority of our gift baskets, flowers and plants come with these shipping options available:   


  • Next Day Delivery: Place an Order on a Business Day Before 2pm EST 
  • Express Gift Delivery: 1 - 2 Business Days
  • Standard Gift Delivery: 3 - 4 Business Days
  • Economy Gift Delivery: 5 - 8 Business Days